National Women's Conference

International Women's Year, IWY
November 18-21, 1977


During November 18-21, 1977, a huge conference was held in Houston, with about 20,000 attending.
By no means do I claim to be representing all the information or various points of view, however
I do hope this page gives a resource for study, in the following articles from several lesbian publications.
Also, see this Wiki reference, which interestingly never contains the word "lesbian."
Also see The Banner Project entry

"Lesbian Tide," July 1977

"Lesbian News," August 1977

"Pointblank Times" Houston, August 1977

"Lesbian Tide," September 1977
Getting ready for Houston

"Lesbian Tide," November 1977

"Pointblank Times," November 1977, Lesberadas & IWY

After the Conference

"Pointblank Times," Jan 1978

Above, Houston activist Pokey Anderson

"Lesbian Tide," January 1978

"Lesbin Tide," March 1978

Christopher Street, January 1978, Interview with Jean O'Leary on the 1977 Conference

Below, National Lesbian Organization formed in March 1978
with Houston rep Linda Lovell

Also see my sections on Houston Women's Publications
and The Lesbian Tide

In November 2017 a symposium was held at U of H commemorating the
1977 National Women's Conference, and Andrew Edmonson wrote two
excellent articles on that landmark event, for Outsmart and the Houston Chronicle.

Find them on the next page.

And on 11/6/17 Pokey Anderson was interviewed on the
KPFT Show Queer Voices by Jack Valinski, 19 min.