AIDS: Houston's Response
This summary was presented, in poster form, at the Houston Heritage
Society GLBT Exhibit "Throughout: Houston's GLBT History,"
during the summer of 2015.

It is an excellent tracking of the events.

Download as a PDF

Also see, AIDS Clippings from TWT

And click on the above graphic for oH Project information
also see this excellent article from the Houstonia on the project, February 2018
and another, from OutSmart, from May 2016

Also, see several important publications at bottom of this page



          Interactive AIDS Quilt     

1985 Pride Parade entry, when name was still KS/AIDS Foundation (photo by Joe Watts)
name changed to AIDS Foundation Houston in April 1986

History of the KS/AIDS Foundation
by Michael B Wilson

See entire 17 page doc

correction to above: The Montrose Counseling Center was incorporated on 12/18/78

Download the entire Timeline

Plus, a very brief Timeline of AIDS in Houston, from the Houstonian, Feb 2018

Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt 3/30/95
Download Program

AIDS Personal Stories in Pastoral Perspective
Shelp, Sunderland, Mansell (1986)

By Houston doctors, an interesting, if now dated,
approach to the subject. And those names have
been changed, one of the stories is about
AIDS activist Craig Rowland (in the book as Kevin)
That chapter is included in this file.


Houston AIDS Hospital, 1988

Download Article, from Stallion Jan 1988

Crossroads '91 Controversy

This was a well-intentioned observance that ran head first
into difficulties. The local Atheists group got the Montrose
Blvd plan blocked and a delayed event was held in Bell Park.

There was a LOT more public debate in the press, see the 1991 section of the Gay Atheists page

I acquited these two pages that must have come from a AFH flyer, of those to be honored by the crosses
By no means a complete list of ones we have lost, it also has many spelling and duplication errors,
but still is an interesting list


Kaposi's Sarcoma Committee, 1982
[ before creation of AIDS Foundation Houston ]

Download Publication

STD Booklet issued by the Montrose Voice, 4/9/82
Download Booklet

1983 Button courtesy Martin Tuller & Scot Gardner

below, 1983 flyer from KS/AIDS Foundation

10/28/16, Ray Hill commented on the 1983 flyer and the CHE publication:

Steve Shiflet and I had been at odds since I secured his resignation as president of the Caucus
for not supporting the endorsed candidate, Debra Danburg, in her first race for the TX Legislature.
He organized CHE Citizens for Human Equality and I was not welcome to join but when the
community faced what was becoming a health crisis, He called, we patched up and I was asked
to write the pamphlet you see here. The printing was paid for by Jack Jackson selling raffle tickets
to win a color television I wanted it illustrated with hunky guys but the City of Houston Health
Department refused to distribute it like that so we made cartoons af Bambi and Thumper messing around.

If anyone can send me a better scan of the flyer, please let me know,
but I believe the text below is very similar, certainly the graphics are the same

AIDS in Texas, 1987

Download Publication

AIDS / HIV Resources 1993

Download Publication

Montrose Clinic Booklet 1993


Newsletter of the Houston Clinical Research Network, March 1994


More issues of The Link, 1995 April, May & July



Lifeline: September 1993, January-February 1994, March 1994   Download
            Lifeline, Winter 1996   Download

Among Friends -- Newsletter of the PWA Coalition of Houston
January 1994, Download

There are obviously many more newsletter editions and AIDS publications that
I have not had access to for scanning. I recommend serious researchers visit
the University of Houston, MD Anderson Library Special Collections, as in the Fall of 2016 AFH, the AIDS
Foundation Houston, has donated to them a large collection of their archives. See announcement info.

Two College Thesis Papers on AIDS in Houston

College Thesis by Jonathan C Heath, 2006, and
there are copies at U of H

Download Part 1
Download Part 2

Above, college thesis focusing on the AIDS crisis in Houston and Dallas
by Molly Bundschuh


Above, Sociology paper: How Homophobia in Texas Impacted Its Approach to AIDS
by Allison Maislin
