JD in the Media
And Other Awards

Much More "Book Media" on This Page

Marc Bauer
Art Exhibition & Talk
Menil Drawing Institute
September 21, 2023

The email invitation says my History website was used
as a resource by Marc

The email invitation says my History website was used
as a resource by Marc, and gee, it is at the top of the listing
on the bookmarks passed out.

the mural is probably 40 feet long

Below, from my History site, is Scott Swoveland's mural saluting Mary's Bar,
and you'll spot a similar man, with hat, behind the bar

The Book
"1981 My Gay American Road Trip: A Slice of Our Pre-AIDS Culture"
OutSmart August 2023 Issue


Bryan Hlavinka interviews JD Doyle about his new book
1981 My Gay American Road Trip: A Slice of Our Pre-AIDS Culture
14 minutes, LISTEN



See Program



June 23, 2023, at the Pride in Business Awards I was honored to receive the Communty Legacy Award.
It was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, where The Banner Project, was in display in the atrium.
Project founder Sara Fernandez is shown, lower left, and my friend Mister McKinney brought
me congratulatory flowers.


In June 2023 I received the Legacy Award from the Chamber, and these two
video clips were made to play during the event. I'm Very honored. 2 minutes

Radio Interview, 6/2/23

The Houston Hour, with Mister McKinney and Heidi Vaughan, on KPFT....
for June, for Pride Month, JD Doyle talked History.
6/2/23, 27 min, LISTEN

October 2021 and 2022

OutSmart Awards

For 2022 I received
Best National (and Local) LGBTQ Online Resource
Best Local Social Media Presence (Facebook)
Best Local LGBTQ Facebook Page

In 2021 I again, somehow, won the Favorite Male Commmunity Hero Award
(gee, second year in a row), and...
Best National (and also Local) LGBTQ Website (JD Doyle Archives)
Best LGBTQ Social Media Account (Facebook)

Dec 2021

LINK for Video

May 2021

Very cool, I was presented an award on 5/25/21 at the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries,
a virtual event this year.

Download the Sound File
Listen to the Awards section of the presentation
(My award is at 8:09)

It's also cool that I was given this, even though I do not work for a library or university.

December 2020

Yay, quoted in an article in the New York Times!

Download Article or Try Direct Link

October 2020

Nice Coverage in OutSmart

July 2020

In Spectrum South

Hear my audio recording of this article,
which aired on IMRU Radio in L.A. in August 2020

June 2020

May 2019

And, this nice thing happened, May 8, 2019...

My sites will be in the Library of Congress.
Here's part of the email they sent me. See article below.

The have since amended their request to also include
Texas Obituary Project and the Houston LGBT History websites

November 2017

I also won OutSmart Gayest & Greatest awards in 2018 and 2019 (I just didn't scan them)

June 2017

Still another interview with JD Doyle, 6/3/17, by Mason Funk
of The Outwords Archive, It's very comprehensive, LINK
2 Hours 26 minutes covering life and radio and history work.
This is for true martyrs, it covers parts of my life I talk about
nowhere else (and not in my book), and we don't even get
to my History and Obit sites until 1 hour 40 minutes into it.

January 2015

January 2014

As I just can seem to stop adding things to my plate, in 2014 I launched two websites
not related to music. One is for preserving Houston and Texas history, at HoustonLGBTHistory.org

And the other provides obituary data on those we've lost, at
Texas Obituary Project

And there was a very nice story in Outsmart about the site.

And, one more, I am on the team for the Banner Project, a pop-up museum,
of course with its own website under my wing, at
Houston We Have History.org

June 2014

2014 was a pretty good year for me. I was deeply honored to be elected Male Grand Marshal
for the Houston Pride Parade, which included riding in a convertible near the head of the parade,
a feeling that just cannot be described.

Again, I am grateful for a terrific article in Outsmart Magazine on being Grand Marshal

May 2013

Eric Himan wrote a terrific article for The Advocate, and graciously quote me

March 2012

More Info

This was nice...
JD Doyle Day, 9/24/47

Read the Procalamation and see Pics and Videos of the party



Many other minor mentions from earlier years can be found Here