A growing resource of mostly Houston LGBT history, with considerable statewide information
Statewide Information
Bars & Business Data

Many of these show National info while some only the Texas sections

Lonestar Confidential: 1952

Damron's - 1968, 1969, 1971 & 1972


Damron's - '78, '79, '82, '85, '87, '88

Damron's - '90, '91, '96  2000 & 2006

  Gayellow Pages

1977 1978 1979  1984

 1986  1991  1994  1997

1999-00  2003-04

Gaia's Guide for Women, 1975, 1976, 1981
and 1989


Feb '78   Book of Maps '78  March '79
May '78  Dec '79

Spartacus - 1983   1995-96


Timely Gay Guide ('71),
Gay Insider
('72) & Eos ('72)


From Barfly 70, 72, 73, 75


David 1972/73


From Places for Men - 1986

Places of Interest 1980

Houston Gay & Lesbian
Yellow Pages 1992-93


Fodor's Gay Guide 1996 & 1998

Naked Places 1998

From The Guide -
1995, 1997
2000, 2003



Gay/Lesbian Travel and Rights
A brief history


Businesses, Clubs, Orgs - from TWT

Above a brilliant new
research site (Feb 2020)